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Reference: Muli3D: IMuli3DPixelShader Class Reference

IMuli3DPixelShader Class Reference

#include <m3dcore_shaders.h>

Inheritance diagram for IMuli3DPixelShader:

IMuli3DBaseShader IBase List of all members.

Detailed Description

Defines the pixel shader interface.

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool bExecute (const shaderreg *i_pInput, vector4 &io_vColor, float32 &io_fDepth)=0
virtual bool bMightKillPixels ()
void GetDerivatives (uint32 i_iRegister, vector4 &o_vDdx, vector4 &o_vDdy) const
virtual m3dpixelshaderoutput GetShaderOutput ()
void SetInfo (const m3dshaderregtype *i_pVSOutputs, const struct m3dtriangleinfo *i_pTriangleInfo)

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool IMuli3DPixelShader::bExecute const shaderreg i_pInput,
vector4 &  io_vColor,
float32 io_fDepth
[protected, pure virtual]

Accessible by CMuli3DDevice. This is the core function of a pixel shader: It receives interpolated register data from the vertex shader and can output a new color and depth value for the pixel currently being drawn.

[in] i_pInput pixel shader input registers, which have been set up in the vertex shader and interpolated during rasterization.
[in,out] io_vColor contains the value of the pixel in the rendertarget when Execute() is called. The pixel shader may perform blending with this value and setting it to a new color. Make sure to override GetShaderOutput() to the correct shader type.
[in,out] io_fDepth contains the depth of the pixel in the rendertarget when Execute() is called. The pixel shader may set this to a new value. Make sure to override GetShaderOutput() to the correct shader type.
true if the pixel shall be written to the rendertarget, false in case it shall be killed.

virtual bool IMuli3DPixelShader::bMightKillPixels  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Returns true incase support for pixel-killing for m3dpso_coloronly-shader-types shall be enabled.

void IMuli3DPixelShader::GetDerivatives uint32  i_iRegister,
vector4 &  o_vDdx,
vector4 &  o_vDdy
const [protected]

This functions computes the partial derivatives of a shader register with respect to the screen space coordinates.

[in] i_iRegister index of the source shader register.
[out] o_vDdx partial derivative with respect to the x-screen space coordinate.
[out] o_vDdy partial derivative with respect to the y-screen space coordinate.

virtual m3dpixelshaderoutput IMuli3DPixelShader::GetShaderOutput  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Accessible by CMuli3DDevice. Returns the type of the pixel shader; member of the enumeration m3dpixelshaderoutput. Default: m3dpso_coloronly.

void IMuli3DPixelShader::SetInfo const m3dshaderregtype i_pVSOutputs,
const struct m3dtriangleinfo i_pTriangleInfo

Accessible by CMuli3D - Sets the triangle info.

[in] i_pVSOutputs pointer to the pixel shader input register-types.
[in] i_pTriangleInfo pointer to the triangle info structure.

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