Reference: Muli3D: CMuli3D Class Reference
CMuli3D Class Reference#include <m3dcore.h>
Inheritance diagram for CMuli3D:
List of all members.
Detailed Description
The Muli3D parent-class - "the root of all evil ;)".
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Accessible by IBase. The destructor is called when the reference count reaches zero.
CMuli3D::CMuli3D |
( |
) |
[protected] |
Member Function Documentation
Creates a device for rendering. - Parameters:
[out] | o_ppDevice | receives the pointer to the device. |
[in] | i_pDeviceParameters | pointer to a m3ddeviceparameters-structure. |
- Returns:
- s_ok if the function succeeds.
e_invalidparameters if one or more parameters were invalid.
e_outofmemory if memory allocation failed.
Friends And Related Function Documentation
Creates a Muli3D-instance. - Parameters:
[out] | o_ppMuli3D | receives the pointer to the muli3d instance. |
- Returns:
- s_ok if the function succeeds.
e_invalidparameters if one or more parameters were invalid.
e_outofmemory if memory allocation failed.