Reference: Muli3D: m3dtypes.h File Reference
m3dtypes.h File Reference
Detailed Description
#include "m3dbase.h"
#include "math/m3dmath.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes |
struct | m3dbox |
| Defines a box. Added for volume texture support. More...
struct | m3ddeviceparameters |
| This structure defines the device parameters. More...
struct | m3drect |
| Defines a rectangle. More...
struct | m3dtriangleinfo |
struct | m3dvertexcacheentry |
struct | m3dvertexelement |
| Describes a vertex element. More...
struct | m3dvsinput |
struct | m3dvsoutput |
Defines |
#define | M3DVERTEXFORMATDECL(i_iStream, i_Type, i_Register) { i_iStream, i_Type, i_Register } |
Typedefs |
typedef vector4 | shaderreg |
Enumerations |
enum | m3dclippingplanes {
m3dcp_left = 0,
} |
enum | m3dcmpfunc {
} |
enum | m3dcubefaces {
m3dcf_positive_x = 0,
} |
enum | m3dcull { m3dcull_none,
} |
enum | m3dfill { m3dfill_solid,
} |
enum | m3dformat {
} |
enum | m3dpixelshaderoutput { m3dpso_coloronly,
} |
enum | m3dprimitivetype { m3dpt_trianglefan,
} |
enum | m3drenderstate {
m3drs_zenable = 0,
} |
enum | m3dshaderconstant {
m3dsc_worldmatrix = 0,
m3dsc_viewmatrix = 1,
m3dsc_projectionmatrix = 2,
m3dsc_wvpmatrix = 3
} |
enum | m3dshaderregtype {
m3dsrt_unused = 0,
} |
enum | m3dsubdiv {
} |
enum | m3dtexsampleinput { m3dtsi_2coords,
} |
enum | m3dtextureaddress { m3dta_wrap,
} |
enum | m3dtexturefilter { m3dtf_point,
} |
enum | m3dtexturesamplerstate {
m3dtss_addressu = 0,
} |
enum | m3dvertexelementtype {
} |
Variables |
const uint32 | c_iMaxTextureSamplers = 16 |
const uint32 | c_iMaxVertexStreams = 8 |
const uint32 | c_iNumShaderConstants = 32 |
const uint32 | c_iPixelShaderRegisters = 8 |
const uint32 | c_iVertexCacheSize = 32 |
const uint32 | c_iVertexShaderRegisters = 8 |
Define Documentation
( |
i_iStream, |
i_Type, |
i_Register |
) |
{ i_iStream, i_Type, i_Register } |
Helper-macro for vertex format declaration.
Typedef Documentation
A shader register is 128-bits wide and is divided into four floating-point-values.
Enumeration Type Documentation
- Enumeration values:
m3dcp_left |
Left frustum clipping plane. |
m3dcp_right |
Right frustum clipping plane. |
m3dcp_top |
Top frustum clipping plane. |
m3dcp_bottom |
Bottom frustum clipping plane. |
m3dcp_near |
Near frustum clipping plane. |
m3dcp_far |
Far frustum clipping plane. |
m3dcp_user0 |
User specified clipping planes. |
Defines the supported compare functions.
- Enumeration values:
m3dcmp_never |
Compares will never pass. |
m3dcmp_equal |
Compares of two values will pass if they are equal. |
m3dcmp_notequal |
Compares of two values will pass if they are not equal. |
m3dcmp_less |
Compares of two values a and b will pass if a < b. |
m3dcmp_lessequal |
Compares of two values a and b will pass if a <= b. |
m3dcmp_greaterequal |
Compares of two values a and b will pass if a >= b. |
m3dcmp_greater |
Compares of two values a and b will pass if a > b. |
m3dcmp_always |
Compares will always pass. |
Specifies indices for the 6 cubemap faces.
- Enumeration values:
m3dcf_positive_x |
face +x |
m3dcf_negative_x |
face -x |
m3dcf_positive_y |
face +y |
m3dcf_negative_y |
face -y |
m3dcf_positive_z |
face +z |
m3dcf_negative_z |
face -z |
Defines the supported culling modes.
- Enumeration values:
m3dcull_none |
Back faces won't be culled. |
m3dcull_cw |
Culls faces with clockwise vertices. |
m3dcull_ccw |
Culls faces with counterclockwise vertices (default). |
Defines the supported fill modes.
- Enumeration values:
m3dfill_solid |
Triangles are filled during rasterization (default). |
m3dfill_wireframe |
Only triangle's edges are drawn. |
Defines the supported texture and buffer formats. The default value for formats that contain undefined channels is 1.0f for the undefined alpha channel and 0.0f for undefined color channels. E.g. m3dfmt_r32g32b32f doesn't define the alpha channel, which is therefore set to 1.0f. - Enumeration values:
m3dfmt_r32f |
32-bit texture format, one float mapped to the red channel. |
m3dfmt_r32g32f |
64-bit texture format, two floats mapped to the red and green channel. |
m3dfmt_r32g32b32f |
96-bit texture format, three floats mapped to the three color channel. |
m3dfmt_r32g32b32a32f |
128-bit texture format, four floats mapped to the three color channel plus the alpha channel. |
m3dfmt_index16 |
16-bit indexbuffer format, indices are shorts. |
m3dfmt_index32 |
32-bit indexbuffer format, indices are integers. |
Specifies the supported pixelshader types.
- Enumeration values:
m3dpso_coloronly |
Specifies that a given pixelshader only outputs color (default). A pixel's depth values will be automatically computed by the rasterizer through interpolation of depth values of a triangle's vertices. |
m3dpso_colordepth |
Specifies that a given pixelshader outputs both color and depth. If you want to output only depth use renderstate m3drs_colorwriteenable to disable writing color. |
Defines the supported primitive types.
- Enumeration values:
m3dpt_trianglefan |
Triangle fan. |
m3dpt_trianglestrip |
Triangle strip. |
m3dpt_trianglelist |
Triangle lists. |
Defines the available renderstates.
- Enumeration values:
m3drs_zenable |
Set this to true to enable depth-buffering or to false to disable it. |
m3drs_zwriteenable |
Set this to true(default) to enable writing to the depth-buffer during rasterization. If no depth-buffer is available or has been disabled by setting m3drs_zenable to false, this renderstate has no effect. |
m3drs_zfunc |
Compare-function used for depth-buffer. Set this renderstate to a member of the enumeration m3dcmpfunc. Default: m3dcmp_less. |
m3drs_colorwriteenable |
Set this to true(default) to enable writing to the color-buffer during rasteriation. If no color-buffer is available this renderstate has no effect. |
m3drs_fillmode |
Fillmode. Set this renderstate to a member of the enumeration m3dfill. Default: m3dfill_solid. |
m3drs_cullmode |
Cullmode. Set this renderstate to a member of the enumeration m3dcull. Default: m3dcull_ccw. |
m3drs_subdivisionmode |
Subdivisionmode. Set this renderstate to a member of the enumeration m3dsubdiv. Default: m3dsubdiv_none. |
m3drs_subdivisionlevels |
This renderstate specifies the number of recursive subdivision when using simple or smooth subdivision. It specifies the maximum number of recursive subdivisions of triangles' edges when using adaptive subdivision. In case subdivision has been disabled, this renderstate has no effect. Valid values are integers > 0 - if this renderstate has been set to 0, DrawPrimitive()-calls will fail. Default: 1. |
m3drs_subdivisionpositionregister |
This renderstate is only used when using smooth subdivision. It specifies the vertex shader input register which holds position-data. Make sure vertex positions have been homogenized (w=1)! In case subdivision has been disabled, this renderstate has no effect. Valid values are integers e [0,c_iVertexShaderRegisters[. Default: 0. |
m3drs_subdivisionnormalregister |
This renderstate is only used when using smooth subdivision. It specifies the vertex shader input register which holds normal-data. For best results make sure that the normals have been normalized. In case subdivision has been disabled, this renderstate has no effect. Valid values are integers e [0,c_iVertexShaderRegisters[. Default: 1. |
m3drs_subdivisionmaxscreenarea |
This renderstate is only used when using adaptive subdivision. Triangles, which cover more than the set area in screenspace (rendertarget's viewport is respected), are recursivly subdividied. In case subdivision has been disabled, this renderstate has no effect. Valid values are floats > 0.0f - if this renderstate has been set to 0.0f, DrawPrimitive()-calls will fail. Default: 1.0f. |
m3drs_subdivisionmaxinnerlevels |
This renderstate is only used when using adaptive subdivision. It specifies the maximum number of recursive subdivisions of triangles. In case subdivision has been disabled, this renderstate has no effect. Valid values are integers > 0 - if this renderstate has been set to 0, DrawPrimitive()-calls will fail. Default: 1. |
m3drs_scissortestenable |
Set this to true to enable scissor testing. Make sure that a scissor rect has been set before calling DrawPrimitive()-functions. Set this to false(default) to disable scissor testing. |
m3drs_linethickness |
Controls the thickness of rendered lines Valid values are integers >= 1. Default: 1. |
Specifies indices for commonly used shader constants.
- Enumeration values:
m3dsc_worldmatrix |
World matrix for vertex transformation. |
m3dsc_viewmatrix |
View matrix for vertex transformation. |
m3dsc_projectionmatrix |
Projection matrix for vertex transformation. |
m3dsc_wvpmatrix |
Concatenated world, view and projection matrix for vertex transformation. |
Specifies the type of a particular shader register.
- Enumeration values:
m3dsrt_unused |
Specifies that the register is unused. |
m3dsrt_float32 |
Specifies that the register should be treated as a single float. |
m3dsrt_vector2 |
Specifies that the register should be treated as a 2-dimensional vector. |
m3dsrt_vector3 |
Specifies that the register should be treated as a 3-dimensional vector. |
m3dsrt_vector4 |
Specifies that the register should be treated as a 4-dimensional vector. |
Specifies the supported subdivision modes.
- Enumeration values:
m3dsubdiv_none |
Triangle subdivision is disabled. |
m3dsubdiv_simple |
This subdivision mode simply subdivides each triangle an user specified number of times recursively. |
m3dsubdiv_smooth |
This subdivision mode is a simplified implementation of ATI's TruForm: It subdivides each triangle an user specified number of times recursively and attempts to generate a smooth triangle-surface using vertex normals as a base. This subdivision mode requires access to vertex position and normal. (For best results make sure that normal-vectors are normalized.). |
m3dsubdiv_adaptive |
This subdivision mode splits each triangle's edges an user specified number of times recursively. The triangle is then subdivided until its sub-triangles cover no more than a user specified area in clipping space. |
Specifies the available types of vectors used for sampling different textures.
- Enumeration values:
m3dtsi_2coords |
2 floating point coordinates used for standard 2d texture-sampling. |
m3dtsi_3coords |
3 floating point coordinates used for volume texture-sampling. |
m3dtsi_vector |
3-dimensional vector used for cubemap-sampling. |
Defines the supported texture adressing-modes.
Defines the supported texturefilters.
- Enumeration values:
m3dtf_point |
Specifies nearest point sampling. |
m3dtf_linear |
Specifies linear filtering. |
Defines the available texturesamplerstates.
- Enumeration values:
m3dtss_addressu |
Texture addressing mode for the u-coordinate. Set this renderstate to a member of the enumeration m3dta. Default: m3dta_wrap. |
m3dtss_addressv |
Texture addressing mode for the v-coordinate. Set this renderstate to a member of the enumeration m3dta. Default: m3dta_wrap. |
m3dtss_addressw |
Texture addressing mode for the w-coordinate. Set this renderstate to a member of the enumeration m3dta. Default: m3dta_wrap. |
m3dtss_minfilter |
Texture minification filtering mode. Set this renderstate to a member of the enumeration m3dtf. Default: m3dtf_linear. |
m3dtss_magfilter |
Texture magnification filtering mode. Set this renderstate to a member of the enumeration m3dtf. Default: m3dtf_linear. |
m3dtss_mipfilter |
Mipmap filtering mode. Set this renderstate to a member of the enumeration m3dtf. Default: m3dtf_point. |
m3dtss_miplodbias |
Floating point value added to the mip-level when sampling textures. Default: 0.0f. |
m3dtss_maxmiplevel |
Floating point value which specifies the smallest mip-level to be used, e.g. 3.0f would mean that the third mip-level is the smallest to be used. Set this to 0.0f to force the use of the largest mip-level. default: 16.0f. |
Defines the supported vertex elements.
- Enumeration values:
m3dvet_float32 |
Specifies a single float. The vertex element is expanded to vector4( float, 0, 0, 1 ) and mapped to a vertex shader input register. |
m3dvet_vector2 |
Specifies two floats. The vertex element is expanded to vector4( float, float, 0, 1 ) and mapped to a vertex shader input register. |
m3dvet_vector3 |
Specifies three floats. The vertex element is expanded to vector4( float, float, float, 1 ) and mapped to a vertex shader input register. |
m3dvet_vector4 |
Specifies four floats. The vertex element is directly mapped to a vertex shader input register. |
Variable Documentation
Specifies the amount of available texture samplers.
Specifies the amount of available vertex streams.
Specifies the amount of available shader constants-registers for both vertex and pixel shaders.
Specifies the amount of available vertex shader output registers, which are simulateously used as pixel shader input registers.
Specifies the size of the vertex cache. Minimum is 3!
Specifies the amount of available vertex shader input registers.