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Reference: Muli3D: IMuli3DPresentTarget Class Reference

IMuli3DPresentTarget Class Reference

#include <m3dcore_presenttarget.h>

Inheritance diagram for IMuli3DPresentTarget:

IBase List of all members.

Detailed Description

Present-targets provide the base for platform-independet rendering output to the screen.

Public Member Functions

virtual result Create ()=0
CMuli3DDevicepGetDevice ()
virtual result Present (const float32 *i_pSource, uint32 i_iFloats)=0

Protected Member Functions

 IMuli3DPresentTarget (class CMuli3DDevice *i_pParent)
virtual ~IMuli3DPresentTarget ()

Protected Attributes


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IMuli3DPresentTarget::~IMuli3DPresentTarget  )  [protected, virtual]

Accessible by IBase. The destructor is called when the reference count reaches zero.

IMuli3DPresentTarget::IMuli3DPresentTarget class CMuli3DDevice i_pParent  )  [protected]

Present-target constructor.

[in] i_pParent a pointer to the parent CMuli3DDevice-object.

Member Function Documentation

virtual result IMuli3DPresentTarget::Create  )  [pure virtual]

Creates and initializes the presenttarget.

s_ok if the function succeeds.

e_invalidparameters if one or more parameters were invalid.

e_unknown if a presenttarget-specific problem was encountered.

CMuli3DDevice * IMuli3DPresentTarget::pGetDevice  ) 

Returns a pointer to the associated device. Calling this function will increase the internal reference count of the device. Failure to call Release() when finished using the pointer will result in a memory leak.

virtual result IMuli3DPresentTarget::Present const float32 i_pSource,
uint32  i_iFloats
[pure virtual]

Presents the contents of a given rendertarget's colorbuffer.

[in] i_pSource pointer to the data of the colorbuffer to be presented (backbuffer dimensions).
[in] i_iFloats format of the data (number of float32s).
s_ok if the function succeeds.

e_invalidparameters if one or more parameters were invalid.

e_invalidformat if an invalid format was encountered.

e_invalidstate if an invalid state was encountered.

e_unknown if a present-target related problem was encountered.

Member Data Documentation

class CMuli3DDevice* IMuli3DPresentTarget::m_pParent [protected]

Pointer to parent.

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