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Reference: Muli3D: m3dmath_matrix44.h File Reference

m3dmath_matrix44.h File Reference

Detailed Description

#include "m3dmath_common.h"
#include "m3dmath_vector4.h"
#include "m3dmath_matrix44.inl"

Go to the source code of this file.


matrix44 & matMatrix44Identity (matrix44 &o_matMatOut)
matrix44 & matMatrix44LookAtLH (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const struct vector3 &i_vEye, const struct vector3 &i_vAt, const struct vector3 &i_vUp)
matrix44 & matMatrix44LookAtRH (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const struct vector3 &i_vEye, const struct vector3 &i_vAt, const struct vector3 &i_vUp)
matrix44 & matMatrix44OrthoLH (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fWidth, const float32 i_fHeight, const float32 i_fZNear, const float32 i_fZFar)
matrix44 & matMatrix44OrthoOffCenterLH (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fLeft, const float32 i_fRight, const float32 i_fBottom, const float32 i_fTop, const float32 i_fZNear, const float32 i_fZFar)
matrix44 & matMatrix44OrthoOffCenterRH (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fLeft, const float32 i_fRight, const float32 i_fBottom, const float32 i_fTop, const float32 i_fZNear, const float32 i_fZFar)
matrix44 & matMatrix44OrthoRH (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fWidth, const float32 i_fHeight, const float32 i_fZNear, const float32 i_fZFar)
matrix44 & matMatrix44PerspectiveFovLH (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fFOVY, const float32 i_fAspect, const float32 i_fZNear, const float32 i_fZFar)
matrix44 & matMatrix44PerspectiveFovRH (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fFOVY, const float32 i_fAspect, const float32 i_fZNear, const float32 i_fZFar)
matrix44 & matMatrix44PerspectiveLH (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fWidth, const float32 i_fHeight, const float32 i_fZNear, const float32 i_fZFar)
matrix44 & matMatrix44PerspectiveOffCenterLH (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fLeft, const float32 i_fRight, const float32 i_fBottom, const float32 i_fTop, const float32 i_fZNear, const float32 i_fZFar)
matrix44 & matMatrix44PerspectiveOffCenterRH (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fLeft, const float32 i_fRight, const float32 i_fBottom, const float32 i_fTop, const float32 i_fZNear, const float32 i_fZFar)
matrix44 & matMatrix44PerspectiveRH (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fWidth, const float32 i_fHeight, const float32 i_fZNear, const float32 i_fZFar)
matrix44 & matMatrix44RotationAxis (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const struct vector3 &i_vAxis, const float32 i_fRot)
matrix44 & matMatrix44RotationQuaternion (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const struct quaternion &i_qQuat)
matrix44 & matMatrix44RotationX (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fRot)
matrix44 & matMatrix44RotationY (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fRot)
matrix44 & matMatrix44RotationYawPitchRoll (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const struct vector3 &i_vRot)
matrix44 & matMatrix44RotationYawPitchRoll (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fYaw, const float32 i_fPitch, const float32 i_fRoll)
matrix44 & matMatrix44RotationZ (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fRot)
matrix44 & matMatrix44Scaling (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const struct vector3 &i_vScale)
matrix44 & matMatrix44Scaling (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fX, const float32 i_fY, const float32 i_fZ)
matrix44 & matMatrix44Translation (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const struct vector3 &i_vTranslation)
matrix44 & matMatrix44Translation (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const float32 i_fX, const float32 i_fY, const float32 i_fZ)
matrix44 & matMatrix44Transpose (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const matrix44 i_matMat)
matrix44 & matMatrix44Viewport (matrix44 &o_matMatOut, const uint32 i_iX, const uint32 i_iY, const uint32 i_iWidth, const uint32 i_iHeight, const float32 i_fZNear, const float32 i_fZFar)

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