Reference: Muli3D: m3dmath_common.h File Reference
m3dmath_common.h File Reference
Detailed Description
#include "../m3dbase.h"
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
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Define Documentation
#define M3D_PI 3.141592654f |
Function Documentation
Clamps a floating-point value. - Parameters:
[in] | i_fVal | value to clamp. |
[in] | i_fLower | minimum value. |
[in] | i_fUpper | maximum value. |
- Returns:
- clamped value e [i_fLower,i_fUpper].
Converts degrees to radians. - Parameters:
- Returns:
- radians.
Linearly interpolates between two values - Parameters:
[in] | i_fValA | first value. |
[in] | i_fValB | second value. |
[in] | i_fInterpolation | interpolation factor e [0.0f,1.0f]. |
- Returns:
- interpolated value.
Converts radians to degrees. - Parameters:
- Returns:
- degrees.
Clamps a floating-point value to [0.0f,1.0f]. - Parameters:
[in] | i_fVal | value to saturate. |
- Returns:
- saturated value e [0.0f,1.0f].
Clamps an integer value. - Parameters:
[in] | i_iVal | value to clamp. |
[in] | i_iLower | minimum value. |
[in] | i_iUpper | maximum value. |
- Returns:
- clamped value e [i_iLower,i_iUpper].